New BTO StellarDrive 5P (EQ5 SynScan)
The New BTO StellarDrive 5P (EQ5 SynScan).
The Sky-watcher EQ5 can be transformed, into a reliable, and viable portable GOTO astro-imaging platform, with a full 10kg payload. This makes taking photos with a DSLR easy, but add that to either a 150PDS Newtonian or 80mm APO refractor, and you have a mount that runs-oh-so close to the EQM35! The EQM35 has slightly better unguided performance (perhaps!) but really when it's guided there is very little in it...
Capable of imaging either guided or unguided, with the above setups, it is a great way to get into serious astro-imaging on a budget. The StellarDrive 5P is completely reworked to provide sub-arcesecond guided imaging for hours, and unguided from 3-8 minutes if you want to just image with a camera and a small telescope, and no computers!