Octagon FTN200-4 200mm f4
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Introducing the Octagon Fast Truss Newtonian Platform, made in the UK.
Based around the well known 1935 Serrurier Truss design structure, we have lightened and stiffened the OTA and utilised aerospace grade materials such as Titanium plate and Carbon-Fibre profiles for the trusses for maximum performance.
From 200mm to 610mm aperture, we have sourced the best mirror optics from all over the world and can have custom made mirrors with a myriad of coatings to your exacting specification. You can also supply your own optics and we can build your telescope for you. Optional Shott® Zerodur® Ceramic Mirrors can reduce the mass by up to 65% making it possible for a truly portable large aperture fast imaging AstroGraph that can be used on an HEQ5 of NEQ6.
Like other OTA's in the Octagon family, we offer an RC/Newtonian version of our innovative Zero7Gee focuser or you can select from a choice of branded focuser options. Also, there will be a range of accessories for helping you get the most from your astro-imaging for these fast Newtonians. Longer OTA's are now being developed for our Dobsonian range, based around our FTN platform, and those could be used as a high definition planetary imager.
Our own 18 point mirror cell design features a sculptured dual fan ducted cooling cooling array and up top a built-in heater for the secondary mirror as standard. Magnetic covers for both mirrors protect the optics when not in use, and there is an optional Armadillo cover to eliminate any stray light externally.
We will be initially offering circa 200 variants and options but just across the FTN200-4, FTN250-5 and FTN300-4 models there are 2265 colour, material and component combinations that will become available! we have spent the past several months carefully developing each component with the accent on lightweight precision and strength. It's been a highly interesting and informative process as we have engaged engineering companies with Formula 1 experience in component manufacture! The Octagon Fast Trust Newtonian's will add a new dimension to your astronomy, not just in terms of use but ownership.
Like our other Octagon products, we are rolling out an exciting spectrum of colour combinations for the OTA's from the plates, the focuser bodies, even down to the Carbon Fibre pattern themselves! This is a highly configurable 'scope!
Each telescope made truly is a personal statement. You can even have your name etched into the OTA. (option)
Each Telescope will come with a serial number, a unique Telescope Build Identification Number (TBIN) and a Logbook.
The will be an upgrade program for mirrors as well as a re-coating service.
Starting from just £785 to over £7000. There will be a model that will be right for you.
Production ready models are currently being readied for demonstration and final testing during November 2015 for the FTN200-4 and FTN300-4 models, with the 250mm FTN250-4 and FTN400-45 being added shortly after.